Announcement: Due to the lack of hardware for testing the implementations, the delopment will stand idle a little with mid February 2010. If you want the project to continue, you may consider supporting it with access (of any kind) to the needed data glove devices. Feel free to contact me for information on how to help, to dump nice comments and supporting words or just to discuss the project.
This video shows a demo application for teleoperating a humanoid robot -- the iCub -- using libglove.
For installing the driver, daemon and some demos download and unpack the latest stable release: libglove-0.6.2
or check out the main branch of development of the repository:
svn co libglove
Change to the created directory and run CMake
cd libglove
# or cd libglove-0.6.2 respectively
cmake .
Mainly tested using Linux version 2.6.31-gentoo-r6 (gcc version 4.3.4 (Gentoo 4.3.4 p1.0, pie-10.1.5) )
Compiles and runs fine with VC++8 and 9 on Windows XP SP3 as well
Documentation for the latest release can be found here
If you are looking for support, next to contacting me by mail you may consider having a look here
Cheers, Christian.