glove::comm::CommandProcessor Class Reference

#include <CommandProcessor.hpp>

List of all members.


struct  CommandGrammar

Public Member Functions

 CommandProcessor (CommandInterface &ci)
virtual ~CommandProcessor ()
CommandInterface::result_type process (const std::string &msg)


struct CommandGrammar

Detailed Description

This class implements the central engine for processing remote commands. The following command are currently avaibale:

whereas does commands will by send wrapped in a message as described in the documentation of the glove::comm::composeMsg(const string&) function.

For details on the parameters of the above mentioned commands we refer to the documentation of CommandInterface.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

glove::comm::CommandProcessor::CommandProcessor ( CommandInterface ci  ) 

The constructor that associates this CommandProcessor with a particular CommandInterface.

ci The CommandInterface that should be used with this CommandProcessor

virtual glove::comm::CommandProcessor::~CommandProcessor (  )  [virtual]

The destructor.

Member Function Documentation

CommandInterface::result_type glove::comm::CommandProcessor::process ( const std::string &  msg  ) 

This function parses the given string and returns the blob that is provided by the associtated CommandInterface.

std::runtime_error If the given command isn't valid/ known by the CommandProcessor.
[in] msg The string to be parsed.
The corresponding result of the CommandInterface

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Thu Feb 4 12:36:53 2010 for libglove by  doxygen 1.5.8